08 もう一つのシミュレーション








問答の哲学研究、ドイツ観念論研究、を専門にしています。 2019年3月に大阪大学を定年退職し、現在は名誉教授です。 香川県丸亀市生まれ、奈良市在住。

「08 もう一つのシミュレーション」への52件のフィードバック

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    たとえば群れで行動する動物の顔認識や感情の認識というものは,自己の概念を前提とせずとも,mirroring や resonance というものとしてとらえられます.群れの他の個体が捕食者を見て恐怖を感じたとき,自分も恐怖を感じたほうが生存率が高まるわけです.

  2. There will always be someone who will accompany you to fulfill your unfulfilled wishes, send you flowers, accompany you to watch the sunrise and sunset, accompany you to walk the Yangtze River Bridge to accompany you to play the carousel, and spend the rest of your life with you.

  3. How many mornings and how many evenings we walked along the road, it stayed in my memory with friendship, and also imbued in your impression.

  4. The road is long and steep. Maybe you are tired. You want to give up.If you want to reach the peak of the road smoothly, you can only hold back the tired feet, relax the complex thoughts in your heart, and keep going forward step by step. Believe a word: do not give up, only succeed.

  5. When I face the sea, others are blooming in spring, when I want to die with the sea, but it has become the Dead Sea. I have many memories about you, but you are paranoid that you are just a passerby.

  6. There is a kind of love that obviously wants to give up, but can’t give up; there is a kind of love, knowing that it is suffering, but can’t hold back; Can’t take it back already.

  7. I want to be with you, even if it is a headless and tailless farce, hold a small lamp and stand in the memory waiting for you.

  8. When I want to die with the sea, but it has become the Dead Sea. I have many memories about you, but you are paranoid that you are just a passerby.

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